Friday, 9 May 2014

My fair lady

My fair lady

How often have we come across fairness cream ads featuring rather dusky looking models,feeling sad about the low attention they are getting,wanting to turn fair as soon as possible and the latter part of the ad show how their social life changes after they become 'beautiful'.  =))  =))

Such ads have changed our mindsets of a beautiful girl.From natural beauty to artificial ones,we have started appreciating looks more than the actual girl herself.We ignore the important facts about the girls and instead focus on how 'beautiful' they look.The reason I have highlighted the word is because the word itself has many deep and profound meanings in different time periods.

For example,in earlier times,muslims were forbidden to paint portraits of human beings because it was considered to be the work of the creator.They believed that Allah is the one who is incharge of creating living beauty,not man.

Even today,paintings and sculptures are considered to be a beautiful work of art.People pay millions for a piece of canvas and color just to show that they are inclined to the art world.Being a connoisseur of art is so important to them that they forget the fact that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and not in the brush of the painter or the hands of the sculptor.Vincent van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci were legends of their time who created masterpieces,but people hardly remember them beyond those works of art.

Starry night by Vincent van Gogh
  Getting back to the concept of beauty,we believe a beautiful girl is so necessary that her image and character has been made secondary.People,and by people I mean the husbands and the in-laws, utilize the character part to torture the poor girl.I myself have observed girls trying very hard to look good because they believe that people notice outer beauty before inner beauty.This makes them nervous and disturbed when they see some blemishes on their valuable skin.

The movie industry has also made sure that we don't change our mindset.90% of the movies involve women looking very fair with negligible acting talent with their hair as perfect as possible and their dressing sense as impeccably eye catching as the rainbow itself.It has made a girl's life and not to mention her parent's life, that much challenging mentally and financially.

Movies need to stop portraying women as beautiful looking models and should focus on portraying them as role models for establishment of an indiscriminate society.This will make sure that atleast a certain majority of people change their outlook on women.

We need to look beyond her outer beauty and recognize her as the icon she really is.And yes,if she looks good that doesn't mean she is mean or has a history of bad relationships.But, looking beyond fairness of skin would actually give us an idea of what the woman appears and what she actually is.Fair skin is indeed very attractive but judging a woman on that factor alone wouldn't be fair. ;) ;) ;) ;)


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