Wednesday, 10 February 2016



Since childhood, we have been taught the importance of words, what not to speak and what to speak. And these teachings have molded us into being the person we are today. Though, the influence of our friends, teachers and the media can’t be neglected but above all, it all started domestically.

Words are the instruments of conversation. Though, you really don’t need words to communicate. There are other ways to converse but it’s safe to say that words make communication easier. Words in a conversation remain the same but the emotions attached to them assign the words a new meaning. Remember the scene from the P.K movie where Aamir Khan explains the different meanings to a word when attached to emotions. Funny but true.

Going beyond emotions, lets focus on people. Words assume a different meaning depending on people speaking it. Words of a person close to us mean much more than the same words spoken by a stranger or a disliked person. We tend to accept the words of a person we like as law and rarely question it. Remember the time we were in a relationship with someone and in its early days we used to follow our partner’s word as law just because we didn’t want to upset them. The same words spoken by one of our long-time friends would be taken for granted. Same applies for stupid suggestions and advices offered by someone we like. We follow these advices because we like the person and not the suggestion. It takes a high level of maturity and understanding to stay aware of this phenomenon.

On same grounds, we speak words with utmost concern to people we like and strangers. People who don’t like to be judged by strangers prepare their interactions before interacting. Though that would be a really good way to deal with all kinds of interactions, but if we have to think before we speak with everyone then it’s not worth speaking. There are people with whom you can share all kinds of nonsense and yet get respected inspite of whatever was shared. When at fault, we expect our best friends and life partners to not only apologize but also to do so in a way that we have planned in our mind. We want them to trace the same word path we have inscribed in our mind. A little deviation from those words leads us to question their motive and our forgiving act becomes more doubtful.

So, it’s clear that words can easily be manipulated. No matter how much emphasis we lay on our words, it depends on the hearing person’s ability and maturity to understand the sentiment and tone behind our words to give the desired reaction. Do not focus on words, focus on the sentiment behind them and the person’s overall intentions. Don’t be blinded by the person’s attractiveness/ unattractiveness while listening to them. Look at the bigger picture before putting any of the words to heart. After all, the true purpose of words is to create silence and it’s better to stay silent and be regarded as a fool rather than opening our mouth and proving it.

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